Friday, February 4, 2011


I love photography.

No, I don't have a fancy DSR camera. No, it's not because I disaprove of them for some reason. Mostly it's because I have a perfectly decent camera (which I love, THANK YOU KEVIN), because I don't want to spend tons of cash on a camera (when I already have one), and because I assume they are darn heavy (I have flimsy little girl arms).

However of course, should something tradgic ever happen to my camera, we all know what kind of camera I will be drooling over in Ritz (or Target or Sear or anyplace that sells cameras really).

That said, I still take TONS of photos with my digital camera and like to read articles about new things try. One of the sites I check out for these articles is DPS (Digital Photography School).
My favorite article so far: 20 Examples of Low Angle Photography.

My favorite shots from this article:

(no, the photos are not mine. Copyright info is on the photos shown at DPS)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bunnies and Dreams

So last week I had a dream that bunnies had overtaken our apartment and were everywhere. I kept wanting to be angry with them for getting into everything but then they looked up at me with their little noses and whiskers and big black eyes and I melted (dream me actually felt like I was melting into my bed. It was awesome and freaky at the same time). I suppose that's what happens when you look at 20 pages of the Daily Squee right before bed.

(no, it's not my photo. I borrowed it from Daily Squee for emphasis)