Tuesday, May 26, 2009


mkay. I have realized that apparently, I'm not the best at telling people what I want/like (particularly my mom and my almost-mama-in-law) The ideal wedding in my mind is very very simple or rather than simple, it's minimalistic almost. Clean lines, simple whites and bold colors. I think the worst thing someone could say to me about anything involved in our wedding is that it was overkill or too showy.
That said, as cool as the flower covered elephant is, NO, I do NOT intend to have a flower covered elephant at our reception.
... soooo aside from the horrors of trying to explain how I want my wedding to look without coming off mean and being TOO picky
-we've basically taken a sledgehammer to the guest list and as of last night have it down to 137
-I tried my hand at bouquet making last night and am actually really pleased with how it turned out (will post pics later)
-talked about cake so much last night, idk if i will even get CLOSE to eating cake for another 2 weeks
-some insight on this would be helpful to the extreme: we cannot afford to feed all the people we would like to invite to the wedding. I personally (and Kevin too) think that the ceremony is the important part of a wedding even if the reception is the part every guest looks forward to. Would you think it in bad taste to invite only a portion (about half) the people invited to the ceremony to the reception? Would they be honored we wanted them to be at our wedding even if we couldn't afford to have them come to the reception? Or would they feel cheated out of something fun?

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